
!!Tickets now available!! SOIRÉE JAPONAISE


Tickets are now available for a Japanese inspired evening!




The event is limited to the first 150 participants, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible if you wish to attend.


13-05-2022 starting from 19h00


Salle des Fêtes, Centre Atert


Registration can be made here!







An event not to be missed! Mark your calendar for a full night of all things JAPAN!




A night that includes, great Japanese foods with sake tasting, arts & craft, traditional dancing and so much more.


Tickets are to be pre-booked so keep your eyes out for more info!!!

JLA Online Japanese lesson 2022

Happy New Year to you all!

Our new 2022 online Japanese lesson is now open for enrolment! We now have 2 different level courses and there will be one class per month between JAN to JUN. Please see below for more info.


The link for registration is:



We look forward to seeing you all (virtually) soon and let's study Japanese together!

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Bonsai Show

年頭のご挨拶 New Years message from president of JLA



Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the Holiday season.  


さて、昨年を振り返りますと、世界的なCOVID-19パンデミックに襲われ、日々の生活や仕事、そして教育現場などへ多大な影響を及ぼし、従来の生活様式の一変を求められました。Looking back on the year 2020, it was a significant year where the Covid-19 had taken over our world and it affected all of us in our daily life and it changed our perspective on how we live along with this pandemic through work, schooling etc.  



Our association was also forced to make the difficult decision to cancel the special collaboration concert of Japanese classical dance and European classical music that was planned for June. Due to the ongoing pandemic and lockdowns inLuxembourg it is quite impossible for us to plan any new events for now. However, since this pandemic, the rise in e-learning has given our association a new opportunity to shift our monthly activities and create new classes with our members and non-members remotely. It has also given us a platform to join and interact with other associations globally. We will continue to be engaged in an online activity for now and making sure that we adhere to public health measures, we shall find our “new way” to grow and develop our association further. 



As a new year now begins, I wish you and your family a safe, healthy and prosperous new year. 


Japan LuxembourgAssociation a.s.b.l. / 日本ルクセンブルク協会President/会長

Makiko Gräfin von Oberndorff

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

**NEW** JLA Online Japanese cooking class

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Online sushi lesson with ISL

昨晩、International School of Luxembourgの父兄を対象に、オンライン巻き寿司作成教室を開催しました。カメラを2台設置し、ばっちり手元の詳細までお見せすることができ、参加者の皆さんは巻き寿司の“巻き方”と“コツ”を



JLA is into zoom online classes lately and yesterday we have virtually visited the kitchen of parents from ISL. JLA kitchen had 2 cameras on the go, where parents watching the chef in action and learning tips and tricks in making sushi. Hope all participants enjoyed it as much as we did!

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着付け教室入門編のお知らせ/Kimono beginners class







We are pleased to announce a class to be held in teaching dressing method (“kitsuke”) for Kimono for beginners starting on Sept. 23rd.

There will be 5 classes in total which will be held every Wednesday for the duration of 5 weeks. You will learn about basic Kimono knowledge and at the end of the class, you will be able to wear Kimono all by yourself.

Please see attached file for more information and we are looking forward to seeing you in the class!

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2nd JLA Japanese Online Lesson


Recently the need for online work and study at home have increased because of the restrictions on going out. Why not take this opportunity to study Japanese and Japanese culture with us?


“Want to learn Japanese?”

“Interested in Japanese culture?”

“Want to talk to Japanese?”


Please join us!


Date:20  August, Thursday   20:00~21:30

Place:  Online (Using Zoom app)

Fee: JLA members: FREE, Non-JLA members: 15 Euros

Attendance: Max 10 people

Contents: Family (Beginners level)

Registration: https://forms.gle/ZwBUcL7hngzuKSzT9

(Deadline: 104h Aug  Friday)


For more information, please contact japan.luxembourg@gmail.com.


First JLA Japanese Online Lesson

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JLA Japanese Online Lesson


Recently the need for online work and study at home have increased because of the restrictions on going out. Why not take this opportunity to study Japanese and Japanese culture with us?


“Want to learn Japanese?”

“Interested in Japanese culture?”

“Want to talk to Japanese?”


Please join us!


Date:16th  July, Thursday   20:00~21:30

Place:  Online (Using Zoom app)

Fee: First online lesson is FREE for everyone! (from second lesson, 15 Euros for non-JLA members.)

Attendance: Max 10 people

Contents: Greeting and self-introduction (Beginners level)

Registration: https://forms.gle/GipZeVHSskXxBFWM7

(Deadline: 10th July  Friday)


For more information, please contact japan.luxembourg@gmail.com.

Wadaiko Ichitaro performance at ISL

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日本大使館主催 雅楽コンサート





【会場】サークル・シテ〔アルム広場〕(Cercle Cité, 3, rue Genistre 〔Place d’Armes〕 L- 1623 Luxembourg)


【予約】当館広報文化担当 メール:culture.embjapan@lx.mofa.go.jp



L’Ambassade du Japon a le plaisir de vous inviter à un concert de GAGAKU (Musique de la Cour Impériale du Japon) par CHITOSE TRIO.

GAGAKU est inscrit sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité en 2009.

Date: Jeudi 6 février 2020 – 19h00

Lieu: Cercle Cité, 3, rue Genistre 〔Place d’Armes〕 L- 1623 Luxembourg

Entrée gratuite. Réservation obligatoire : culture.embjapan@lx.mofa.go.jp



Luxembourg International Bazar 2019

Hope everyone visited the annual International Bazaar 2019 at LUXEXPO last weekend? The Japanese stand was yet again successful with stores selling traditional crockeries, tasty Japanese delicacies and of course tombola! This year we also had Japanese traditional martial art "KENDO" demonstration, taiko drum and "Hanagasa" traditional dance by the beautiful ladies. We were also greeted by Mr Bettel, PM of Luxembourg together with our Japanese ambassador. Great effort to all the volunteers involved in the bazaar, and look forward to next year.


毎年11月にルクセンブルクの大イベント「インターナショナル・バザー」が先週末開催されました。 いろんな国のブースがあって見所沢山。会場内はたくさんのブースが設営され、 世界各国の食べ物や飲み物、雑貨を販売。日本ブースでもたくさんの ボランティアスタッフにより、日本の和食器や和小物の販売や、寿司やたこ焼き、焼き鳥などの和食、日本酒が提供され、今年はルクセンブルク剣道クラブのデモンストレーション、和太鼓と花笠音頭と炭坑節のパフォーマンスも実地しました。土曜日にはベッテル首相が日本ブースへお立ち寄りくださいました。 参加された皆さん、お疲れさまでした!

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古本市のお知らせ〜Second Hand Japanese Book Sale

ルクセンブルグ補習授業校父母会主催の古本市が、11月16日 (土)に開催されます。詳細につきましては、下記をご参照ください。


We would like to inform you that the second hand Japanese book shop will be held on Saturday, 16th November at International School of Luxembourg.

Please see the attached document for details in English.


つきましては、皆様のお手元にご不要の書籍 (漫画・児童向けを含む) 雑誌 (2018年以降のもの) CD ・ DVD 等がございましたら、ご寄付をお願い致します。 当日に直接会場にお持ち下さいませ。







1. 開催日時

11月 16日(土曜日) 10:10 ~ 14:00

※ 開場時間厳守でお願い致します。

2. 開催場所

ISL ロワースクール カフェテリア

 36, boulevard Pierre Dupong

※ 会場は例年通りです。


※ 受付で古本市に行く旨お伝えください。(氏名の記入が必要な場合があります)






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Piano and Shakuhachi concert in Hesperange City Hall

Thank you to all those attended the Piano and Shakuhachi concert by Tempei Nakamura and Yuta Matsumura at Hesperange City Hall.

It was such a great venue so we thank the Hesperange CELO for this great opportunity!


From L->R: Mr Tempei Nakamura, Ms. Makiko Witolla Hayashi (JLA Chairwoman), Mr. Shigeji Suzuki (Ambassador of Japan to Luxembourg), Mr Marc Lies (Hesperange mayor), wife of Ambassador of Japan to Luxembourg, Mr Yuta Matsumura.

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Piano and Shakuhachi concert with crement tasting



Thank you to all who attended the piano & shakuhachi concert at SMW winery at Trier yesterday. It was such a memorable piano&shakuhachi concert performed by Tempei and Yuta. We also had a surprise guest who joined the stage. Mr Naotaka Utsunomiya who is a singer who played Simba of the Lion King from Shiki theatre company of Japan.


From R->L: Mr Yuta Matsumura, Mr Tempei Nakamura, Ms Makiko Witolla Hayashi (JLA Chairwoman), Mr Naotaka Utsunomiya, Mr Shibata (Japan embassy staff), Mr Johann Aubart (Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Trier), Mr Adolf Schmitt (Saar Mosel Winsersekt).

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Herbal Lesson “ Natural herbal remedy”  workshop 

“癒しのアロママッサージ” ワークショップ










1996年に英国Champneys International College of Health and Beautyにて習得、その後、ニュージランド公認アロマセラピストとなり、手作りの基礎化粧品のみを長年使っております。著書は、暮しの手帖社発行「あなたが名医」。


日時:      9月20日(金) 10時~12時

場所:      ハイスドルフ

参加費:   JLA会員 € 30    非会員 € 35 (アロママッサーッジクリーム、お持ち帰り)

持物: タオル1本 

定員:   12 名    




Piano and Shakuhachi concert with clement tasting


中村天平さん&松村湧太さんによる「ピアノ&尺八コンサート」をドイツのトリアーにあるクレモンワイナリー、Saar Mosel Winzersekt (https://www.smw-trier.com/)にて開催します。コンサートの後には、ワイナリー見学、試飲会を行います。

参加ご希望の方はmail@jlaluxembourg.org までご連絡ください。




We are excited to announce a special concert collaboration, Piano & Japanese flute (Shakuhachi) to be held at crement winery and enjoy a winery tour and of course enjoy the tasting as well!

Booking is required so pls email us at mail@jlaluxembourg.org to secure your spot.


中村天平 Tempei Nakamura / (作曲家・ピアニスト・ビートボックス)

Website : http://tempei.com/

Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/Tempei

松村湧太 Yuta Matsumura / (尺八奏者・歌手・ピアニスト)

Website : https://ameblo.jp/disneyinshaku8/




Piano and Shakuhachi concert in Hesperange City Hall

We are introducing free admission piano and shakuhachi (Japanese flute) concert by Tempei Nakamura and Yuta Matsumura in Hesperange City Hall at 16 Sept.


They are currently on EU tour visiting 43 countries by car and camper van and plan to perform 2 concerts while in Luxembourg


Pls see attached flyer for more information about the first concert and the second concert info will be shared in the upcoming days.

Look forward to seeing you all there!


世界を股にかけて活動中の中村天平 さんと松村湧太さんのコンサートを開催します。



本日はまずHesperange City Hallで行われるコンサートのご案内です。

中村天平 Tempei Nakamura / (作曲家・ピアニスト・ビートボックス)

Website : http://tempei.com/

Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/Tempei

松村湧太 Yuta Matsumura / (尺八奏者・歌手・ピアニスト)

Website : https://ameblo.jp/disneyinshaku8/


Wadaiko workshop by ICHITARO

It was such an honour to have Ichitaro with us in Luxembourg and seeing his solo wadaiko performance at the salon of Mr Camille Kerger.


We were introduced to the history of wadaiko throughout Japan with a dramatic and energetic performance that blew all the audience away!


Mr Raymond, a Luxembourger who is a wadaiko drummer also collaborated with Ichitaro showing all of us his drumming skills from Japan.


2 lucky audiences were able to experience wadaiko drumming and after the outstanding drumming experience, all the audiences managed to enjoy drinks and nibbles together with the drummer Ichitaro.


This wonderful night could not have happened without Mr Camille so we want to thank you once again and of course we want to welcome back Ichitaro again to Luxembourg!

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今回は、このような 台所ハーブとスパイスの効用を学び、その利用法(ハーブティー、ハーブビネガー、ハーブオイル、ハーブチキン、ハーブ塩の作り方)をお伝え致します。




講師は、西洋医学の薬剤師で自然療法にも目覚め、上海中医薬大学、ニュージーランド(Canterbury College of Natural Medicine)に留学後、

クライストチャーチ在住13年、アロマセラピスト、バッチフラワー国際プラクティショナー、気功鍛錬者です。 著書は、暮しの手帖社発行「あなたが名医」 


日時:5月3日(金曜日) 10時~12時


参加費: JLA会員 €30    非会員 € 35 お持ち帰り2品ハーブティーと ハーブビネガーもしくはオイル)





お問い合わせ、ご予約は mail@jlaluxembourg.orgまでご連絡ください。


Japanese Qi-gong 気功のお知らせ

Bernard Massard ツアー

ルクセンブルクを代表する、クレモンとワインで有名なBernard Massardの工場見学と試飲会にご招待いただきました。

Bernard Massard CEOのAntoine Clasenさん自らご案内下さり、試飲では年に2000本しか生産されない貴重なCrémantもいただきました!

We enjoyed an exciting guided tour and wine tasting offered by Mr. Antoin Clasen at Bernard Massard!

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フランス人 マリー先生とお菓子作りを楽しみましょう!







日時: 4月3日(水)10:00 ~ 13:00  

場所: 先生のご自宅 (CHLルクセンブルク総合病院の近く)

参加費: 28ユーロ(JLA会員)/ 33ユーロ(JLA非会員)

支払方法: 銀行振り込み、もしくは当日現金でも可能

定員: 5名


お問い合わせ、ご予約は mail@jlaluxembourg.orgまでご連絡ください。










生理痛、下痢、便秘などの内臓の不調も調える効果もあります。 また、骨盤枕を背中に当てて寝るだけでも体重減少につながる







https://ameblo.jp/mitsue-matsumura/  Mitsu便り




日時:     3月15日(金曜日)10時~11時半

場所:      Heisdorf(住所詳細は改めてご案内いたします。)

参加費:   JLA会員 €10    非会員 € 13  

持物: 水のボトル、ヨガマット、バスタオルとタオル一枚ずつ必ず持参

定員:   12名     


お問い合わせ、ご予約は mail@jlaluxembourg.org (担当:ヴィトラ林 真己子)までご連絡ください。