End of year party for Japanese free-talk

日本語自由会話の会 忘年会

End of Year Party of Japanese free-talk


JLA Chorus group at ISL concert

JLA Choir held a concert at ISL (International School of Luxembourg) for the students in Grade 1 to 5. The Japanese students who attend in ISL also join the concert and played different instruments. 

The concert was a great success.


JLAコーラスはISL (International School of Luxembourg) に小学生を対象にコンサートを行いました。


Marriage of Sake and Cheese

JLA & Kaempff Kohler have held a joint event "Marriage of Sake & Cheese".

We enjoyed sake tasting which included a combination of 7 different types of sake and varieties of cheeses, perfect combination!

TOHOKU Charity Concert

JLAコーラス隊によるパフォーマンス、Jazzバンド “Impulus Quatet”による演奏を聴きながら、お食事、お飲み物を楽しみました。皆様にご協力いただきました義援金は全て「あしなが育英会 東日本大震災・津波遺児支援」にお送りしました。