JLA Japanese Online Lesson


Recently the need for online work and study at home have increased because of the restrictions on going out. Why not take this opportunity to study Japanese and Japanese culture with us?


“Want to learn Japanese?”

“Interested in Japanese culture?”

“Want to talk to Japanese?”


Please join us!


Date:16th  July, Thursday   20:00~21:30

Place:  Online (Using Zoom app)

Fee: First online lesson is FREE for everyone! (from second lesson, 15 Euros for non-JLA members.)

Attendance: Max 10 people

Contents: Greeting and self-introduction (Beginners level)

Registration: https://forms.gle/GipZeVHSskXxBFWM7

(Deadline: 10th July  Friday)


For more information, please contact japan.luxembourg@gmail.com.