We are introducing free admission piano and shakuhachi (Japanese flute) concert by Tempei Nakamura and Yuta Matsumura in Hesperange City Hall at 16 Sept.
They are currently on EU tour visiting 43 countries by car and camper van and plan to perform 2 concerts while in Luxembourg
Pls see attached flyer for more information about the first concert and the second concert info will be shared in the upcoming days.
Look forward to seeing you all there!
世界を股にかけて活動中の中村天平 さんと松村湧太さんのコンサートを開催します。
本日はまずHesperange City Hallで行われるコンサートのご案内です。
中村天平 Tempei Nakamura / (作曲家・ピアニスト・ビートボックス)
Website : http://tempei.com/
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/Tempei
松村湧太 Yuta Matsumura / (尺八奏者・歌手・ピアニスト)
Website : https://ameblo.jp/disneyinshaku8/